Sunday, December 13, 2020

Urchina Journal 3

Hello again. The weather has started turning colder. As it turns out I’m missing some fish in the stream. Specifically the dolphin fish, this has ripped me of my motivation. The frog told me I’m missing the dolphin fish. They tried to put some in the water but they didn’t put enough and they all died right away. The road lovers are hopefully but I know better than to be hopeful. I was hopeful today and the fish all died anyway. I discovered a lot about the stream and how I’ve always known there weren’t dolphin fish but I never realized what that meant. Anyway I’m sad now. I’ll go to sleep.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Urchina Journal 2

 Hello again. The water was a bit murky today and the sky was overcast. My toes feel cold as the weather has become chilly. I know you were worried about my friend. Well no cause for alarm as she completed her presidential duties AND assisted me with my manuscript. She truly did ascend from the heavens. I’d like to believe if she was one of the actors she would be the one who tries to send me a message that I’m in a show. That or she is too nice and fake. The idea that they are all actors really has the capacity to ruin a genuine friendship. Just the idea. I may ask my friend to continue searching for foxes with me. Yesterday my fox Prince died. Died in the dead of night during the noble war. Fighting off those who had risen from the dead. Poor Prince, I buried him and gifted him a beautiful gravestone. It read, “Here lies Prince, my perfect baby, may you rest.” I cried. Anyways, the woman road liver came home from a day at work. She mends people. I finished my blood jug, decorated it beautifully, and filled it with water. Now I don’t have to drink those G waters anymore. I got new clothes a couple days back. Joyful moment. I have an exquisite knife on the way along with a beautiful crystal. Cannot wait for their arrival. Meanwhile I must finish much work. I’ll be seeing you.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Urchina Journal 1

 Hello. I woke up again today. Surprising. Went for a walk, in the water. Was about a foot deep today, must be going through a drought. I saw my friend. She made me angry, again. She got swept in the water though. Poor thing. Couldn’t even catch a fox, didn’t know that adult foxes aren’t friendly. Must befriend a baby if you want them to be loyal. Saw my other friend. She struggled with her presidential duties and offered to write my manuscript in exchange for me assisting her. She was very loud. I accepted, but she got swept away by the water. I’ll see them tomorrow though. The water evaporates you know. Felt sad today. A bit under the weather, there wasn’t any weather though, we are in a drought I guess. My bed looks like a nest today. I’m forced to strip it. Last night I pulled a brick out of the bridge and dropped it on my head. I quite enjoyed that. I won’t be doing that again tonight. Maybe I’ll work on my manuscript tonight. I’m a month behind on my work. I spoke to the frog again. She said that if I was right about the fish that swim in the water, once they lay eggs she will give them to me and I will be able to do my work. I think I’m quite right about the fish. There are many things in the water that they don’t know about. Wish they did. But then I would lose my mystery wouldn’t I. I cooked for the ones who live by the road. They liked it I think. The hitchhiker is back. Invasive species. I must get rid of it before it gets rid of me. Road people seem to be off put by me recently. I wonder why there are so many fish in the water. The hitchhiker keeps trying to sell me on his product. Dirty traveler. He pretends to know much and go many places, but he just goes down the street and comes back. He sells to make a living, but it is a life without value. I want to travel too. Once I can leave the bridge. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Journal April 13,15,17

April 13, 2020
I’ve started eating hot dogs again. Usually I don’t like them, but as a kid I would always eat them. My dad has decided that he will be grilling them almost everyday for lunch and they have comforted me in a weird way. Just feeling like some time everything will go back to normal. I still feel like I haven’t set into a routine yet. It feels like the start of school figuring out my routine except instead of excitement it feels like everyone is just sad and confused. On the brighter side I have been able to make a lot more meals for myself based on what I want instead of when the school has to offer.

April 15, 2020
Today I’ve thought about how much I miss my Wii. My parents got rid of it a few years ago and it really held some of my favorite childhood moments. I remember my favorite game was Super Mario Galaxy which I consider to be the best Mario game because it was so different from all the others. You could explore completely different worlds every time you played the game. But it also had a unique and sad story line. It felt like that game had more depth than the other games and I really miss it. Also the music was pretty cool. I wish I could buy a new Wii and that game but the pandemic has made me skeptical. I’ve found myself reminiscing on my childhood more than usual recently which has made me both sad and grateful.

April 17, 2020
I am feeling very excited for spring. However usually spring is when me and my neighbors start hanging out again and playing basketball. It won’t feel the same without being able to hangout outside with them. I also kind of want to start running again because I live right next to a park, but it has been a bit cold. I also want to start drawing again as I feel like anything I create during this time will hold memories for me to look back on later.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Journal April 6,8,9

April 6, 2020
I’ve felt more and more worried about corona virus and how it is affecting life. I feel like in the beginning of this virus I wasn’t very worried because I had rationalized that if I just followed CDC guidelines that I wouldn’t get it and everything would go back to normal after a few hectic months. However, I’ve come to the realization that this virus isn’t just attacking the country in a purely physical way. The virus has wrecked our economy, and the rate of unemployment is near what it was during the Great Depression. I now realize my life won’t just go back to normal even when the virus is gone.

April 8, 2020
My sleep schedule is gone. Like if there was any sort of schedule before this virus it is absolutely gone. Last night I stayed up till 6 reading the book The Name of the Wind. To be fair it was a very good book, but now I am very tired and will likely take a nap later. I feel nocturnal and like the days are just blending together. I really hope that this ends sooner than I think because going another couple months without physical touch from anyone other than my family is really hard. I just want to hug my friends, watch movies with them, and go to the beach. I really hope this summer can be slightly normal.

April 9, 2020
I feel like this quarantine has really shown everyone how although the internet and social media can make people feel isolated they can also really connect people. Last night I had a Group FaceTime call with my family in different states and we all got to talk and check in which was very fun. I’ve also been FaceTiming my friends every day to try and get some sort of interaction outside my family. We have also been playing video games together which has been really fun. Honestly I don’t really miss school like other people do, I guess I just miss the social interaction of seeing people in person.